EllyMae’s Craft Supplies

Affiliate links may be present in the following blog post and as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. What that means is that I may receive compensation if you purchase through the links I have provided. The price you pay for the product or service is not higher but I may get compensated for sharing.
Thanks for your support!

I am asked about tools and supplies I use all the time. So I’m sharing my “secrets” below. These are tools and supplies that I have in my studio. Some of them, I have multiples of too so when one is hiding in that “safe” place, I still have access until it comes out of hiding.

I am big on using what you have, so I don’t recommend buying everything on my list. But, you might find some new things that may become your favorite tools like they are mine!

Crafting Tools I Use

Adhesives I Use

Artesprix Sublimation Products

Sublimation without a printer

Sublimation Supplies

Sublimation Blanks

Craft Storage I Use


Other Tools I Use

Video & Recording Equipment

I am based in the U.S., which means the sales I share may not be available if you are not in the U.S.

I work closely with many great vendors and my job isn’t to convince you to buy with one or the other. I support and order from all of these companies throughout the year. Each retailer can carry a little bit different products and selection.

Thanks for your support by using my links!

Enjoy !

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Silhouette Classes

Never stop learning! Let me help you take the anxiety out of learning with Silhouette and get to creating faster! My Silhouette classes are heavily focused on software, so you can take the skills & techniques taught and apply them to many future projects!

Silhouette step-by-step Classes by Silhouette Secrets+

**This post may contain affiliate links. What that means is that I may receive compensation if you purchase through the links I have provided. The price you pay for the product or service is not higher but I may get compensated for sharing.