Projects, Sublimation

Handmade Keepsake Ornaments with Artesprix

I have so much fun creating with the Artesprix sublimation products! This month I had a few helpers and that can always make things interesting. We had some good laughs as I enlisted their thumbs to make a Keepsake Ornament using the Artesprix sublimation supplies!

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Artesprix Sublimation Ornament

I love how this turned out! The best part is – anyone can do it!
Yes! YOU!

Check out the video tutorial HERE on the Artesprix YouTube channel.

Artesprix Sublimation Supplies

Here is a list of the supplies I mentioned and demonstrated in the new YouTube video:

Artesprix Sublimation Supplies

I’ll be sharing more so make sure to follow Artesprix on social media to see more projects!
Artesprix YouTube channel
Artesprix Blog
Artesprix Facebook Page
Artesprix Iron-on-Ink Inspirational Group

Save this for future reference by pinning the image below.

Artesprix Sublimation Markers & Inks

Find more Artesprix inspiration HERE and grab some Artesprix sublimation products and get to creating today!

Enjoy !

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Silhouette Classes

Never stop learning! Let me help you take the anxiety out of learning with Silhouette and get to creating faster! My Silhouette classes are heavily focused on software, so you can take the skills & techniques taught and apply them to many future projects!

Silhouette step-by-step Classes by Silhouette Secrets+

Silhouette Secrets+ by EllyMae
Silhouette Secrets+ with EllyMae
**This post may contain affiliate links. What that means is that I may receive compensation if you purchase through the links I have provided. The price you pay for the product or service is not higher but I may get compensated for sharing.

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