Projects, Silhouette

Silhouette “Secrets” – EllyMae’s Craft Supplies

Affiliate links may be present in the following blog post and as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

I think every project I start seems small at the beginning, but seems to grow bigger than I originally thought. It is no different with this list of supplies I use in my projects and have in my studio.

I am asked all the time what I recommend and use, so I have added a header on the website with a list of supplies that I have in my studio and use.

Check out “EllyMae’s Craft Supplies” header HERE.

I am a big fan of use what you have, so if you have your favorite tools, use them! I have found new favorites over the years of project creation and thought I’d share. Do you have to use the same exact tools as me? NO! Use what you have, what you love, and what works best for you! I am simply sharing what I use and will add to this list as I find new favorites!

I’d love to hear what are some of your favorite tools! Comment below and let me know!

Save this for future reference by pinning the image below.

Enjoy !

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Silhouette Classes

Never stop learning! Let me help you take the anxiety out of learning with Silhouette and get to creating faster! My Silhouette classes are heavily focused on software, so you can take the skills & techniques taught and apply them to many future projects!

Silhouette step-by-step Classes by Silhouette Secrets+

**This post may contain affiliate links. What that means is that I may receive compensation if you purchase through the links I have provided. The price you pay for the product or service is not higher but I may get compensated for sharing.

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