Silhouette, Silhouette Projects, Uncategorized

Drawing Designs using Object to Path & Tools in Silhouette Studio

This past week there was a question on my Silhouette Secrets+ Facebook Group and I was working on my computer so did a quick video tutorial on how they could accomplish the design they wanted.Several asked if there was a way to save that video so I re-recorded it and put it up on the… Continue reading Drawing Designs using Object to Path & Tools in Silhouette Studio

Let's Explore v4, Silhouette

Let’s Explore v4 – Replicate Object on Path

Replicate Panel - Object on Path I am sure you have seen other projects where people had a design replicated multiple times in a shape and you've said "How did they do that?" Well, today we are going to explore how to do that right in the Silhouette Studio v4. The Replicate Object on Path… Continue reading Let’s Explore v4 – Replicate Object on Path